The Fibonacci System - Roulette System
The 14th century mathematician Leonardo Pisano, or Leonardo of Pisa, discovered the natural number progression that underlies the Fibonacci System. Pisano was better known by his nickname, Fibonacci, which is variously translated as "son of Bonacci" (his father was Guglielmo Bonaccio) or "son of good fortune" (certainly a better sign for roulette players).
Fibonacci was the mathematical genius that convinced Europe to drop its Roman numbering system in favor of the Arabic numbering system used worldwide today. Fibonacci studied in Moorish Spain under Arabian scholars who taught him their numbering system. He wrote about the numbering system in his book "Liber abaci," meaning "The Book of Calculations." In the course of his studies, Fibonacci came upon a natural number sequence in which two previous numbers are added to make the next number. The sequence looks like this:
(0) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, etc.
(A 0 is assumed to be before the first number since the series starts with a 1).
One of the curious things about the Fibonacci System is that it shows up inadvertently in many other areas of life unrelated to gambling, such as biological structures, musical compositions and even architectural drawings.
Fibonacci resembles the Martingale System in that it relies on a number sequence, but in this case it uses the series discovered by our mathematician from Pisa.
Playing Roulette with the Fibonacci Betting System
To use the Fibonacci System as a roulette strategy, you start with a bet of one unit. You continue wagering that one unit (whatever its denomination) until you lose. Then you move one step up the Fibonacci ladder.
When you win, back up one level on the Fibonacci sequence. If you should win two consecutive bets, the system is considered finished, and you start again from the beginning.
The Fibonacci System has proven to be one of the safest roulette strategies around, and often proves to be the most profitable in terms of the number of bets won. However, the flaw in the Fibonacci System is that most of the wins occur at the low end of the sequence. Players looking to win big money tend to tire of Fibonacci quickly because their early wins keep reverting play back to the low end of the sequence.
Because of this, big money players often move their counting system up to the fourth or fifth levels, so that their bets start with three or five units, resulting in bigger pots. However, if this variation results in too many losses, players may move back to the beginning of the Fibonacci ladder.
In order to use the Fibonacci System accurately, you must memorize the number progression, and then practice it thoroughly before trying it out in the casino. To practice the Fibonacci system on roulette you can practice on a fake wheel, play free roulette online, or simply flip a coin in order to rehearse the Fibonacci sequence.
The problem with using the Fibonacci System is that it works fine for a while, but eventually (like other systems) you will reach a betting limit, either that of the casino or your own bankroll.
Most of the best online casinos with roulette offer free practice games that have the exact same odds as their real money roulette games. We suggest practicing the Fibonacci roulette system for free before making a deposit.
Once you’re ready to play roulette for real money, online casinos offer minimum bets as low as $1, as opposed to live casinos that have $5 and $10 minimums. That means using the Fibonacci system while playing online roulette is much less riskier.
In the case of playing with an online casino bonus, many players prefer to use Fibonacci because it builds more slowly that its closest cousin, the Martingale System. In other words, it's possible to play out a roulette bonus faster with Fibonacci. That's why it pays to choose a casino with a large deposit roulette bonus.